
How to Love Homework Time!

Well at least Manage it!

September 23, 2014
The time has come, some teachers pile it on right away other ease into it but homework is here to stay. Here are some tips to help you and yours cruise through with less tears, less drama and more results!

Have a routine: I give my son 15 minutes of down time when we walk through the door. Then he gets to work with a snack. We do this almost daily so he knows what to expect. What works best for your family?

Watch the Frustration Levels: With the New Common Core Curriculum frustration is the buzz words amongst parents. We walk a very fine line between  turning our children off the love of learning with the huge focus on testing today.   You can set specific manageable goals such as "do half a page and then you can rest for five minutes." Break it up into small chunks on super busy nights! If they start getting upset, give them a break.

Watch the distractions: Create a space free from TV, video games, and phones. 

Motivate and Engage: Ask about his assignments, have him read the directions out loud or read it with him.  Spot check and make sure they are on task and are understanding the material.

Catch them doing their best and "gossip" about it.  Kids love it when they overhear you talking them up.  Make it specific!

Problems with homework: Contact your child's teacher.  Do they understand the material? Are they focusing during class?  Can they see the board?  They might need modifications or evaluations to ensure they are not learning disabled or have ADHD.

Reward Effort: Praise them for working hard, even if it is not perfect!!! Sticker charts and small gestures go a long way in motivating them for a year of homework.